No matter how hard you try not to fight with your loved ones but conflicts surely takes place once in a while, it's an obvious thing, doesn't matter if it comes, everyone suffers, what matters is your response to the conflict that came and how you manage to resolve the matters.
The smartest couples recovers the issue as quick as possible. If you want to live healthy and peacefully, you and your partner should make a habit of forgiving each other every now and then. Being happy makes the big impact on your physical health.
I have seen families entirely ruined, parents raised their children with hatred, destroying the mental peace of their kids, what worst is they think that they are doing it right, living in the dark, don't even know what love could bring, and their children after their marriage do the same with their kids, and the cycle continues. It breaks my heart every time I see these kind of situations and Bad Parenting
No matter how hard your life's going, I urge you to treat your family right, give them love, endure your stress and anger, don't harm the environment, things will get better when you dive in the ocean of positivity.
Protect each other, work hard together, fight with your problems with a team work. By doing these things you would definitely see the change and your life will start turning on.
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