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Monday, 12 September 2016

Buying And Selling Mistakes

As you often buy and sell things on internet from random people, and I know you've encountered numerous obstacles, blunders, miscommunications, errors and faults in running your business on the internet. 

If you want to resolve the matters and don't want any further interruptions in the business, you need to understand that you don't have to repeat the mistakes that you have done in the past regarding your dealings with the clients or resellers.

Try not to oversight the addresses and numbers that your clients give you on your facebook chat box or on whatsapp, read it carefully and if you think or feel like they themselves did the mistake of writing their addresses wrong, ask them that if the address is correct? Read the address carefully if u replace one number, like the house number was A69 and you thought it as A96 in a hurry, then this mistake might affect your business and customers do not like the delay of orders. 

Don't miscommunicate and be honest, tell the correct timing to meet other person, don't be late to hand them your product, if you commit a mistake, apologise to them. 

Let me tell you the trick of gaining the customers, if you want people to rush to your page and profile for buying your goods and products, make sure you actually care for them, some people have only one priority, the only concern they have is the concern of money, they are not going to go far in the business Arena if they do not have the flexibility and gratitude to deal with their loyal clients.

While if you on the other hand respect your customers and selling them your goods with honesty and in the legitimate prices without any other greed, then my friend you are doing it right and your future regarding your business is very bright. 

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