These Are The Girls Favourite Things


Saturday, 3 September 2016

Rich Shop, Poor Shop.

We should often try to purchase things from small shops and stalls, because we don't know the struggles of the poor less privileged people, we should admire their efforts as they choose to earn for themselves by work and refuse to become beggars instead.

They are working hard to feed their kids at the same time, how hard for them to do so? How they'd manage all their expenditures with small amount of money? Still some of us bargain with them for 10-20 rupees. 

When we the self-esteem people go for shopping at big malls or enhanced markets we do not bargain with the vendors out there because we don't feel like to do so, we thought it to be a insult for ourselves, yet we bargain with the poor vendors who sell their goods on stalls. 

We should respect their efforts and need to realize what actually we are doing and should often buy things from stalls and kiosks without bargaining. Sometimes it's not about the money but respect. 

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