These Are The Girls Favourite Things


Saturday, 8 October 2016

A Little Goes A Long Way

So I knew a guy back in school who sees the world differently and had flavours of some beautiful yet rare things like, sense of humour, enormous courage, smart brain and innovations, he always come up with something new, we was a creative yet funny guy in school, I know him personally, he had a kind heart, he always been eager to help people, teachers used to like and admire him a lot. 

The best thing about the guy is he never settle for little, he used to break all the limits and always eager to go beyond the lines to experience something new, he was hungry for knowledge and information, he never looked down upon anyone, these are some of his qualities for which God didn't take the natural gifts away from him. He was a friend of mine, he never used his powers negatively on the students who were his juniors. 

He was the man who loves to argue with teachers with logic everytime and was always kind to the weak students of his class, so you guys are thinking what is the point that I am telling you all his acts and positive vibes, I know a lot of you are struggling in your life, the reason I made this article is to tell you all that whatever little positive thing, spark or goodness you find in yourself, do not let it go in vain, instead work on it to make it better and make sure to excel it, the more you work on your strengths the more they will benefits you in future. 

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