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Thursday, 29 September 2016

Writing Can Prosper Patients Health

Thinking about your health, having negative thoughts in mind about your health will do nothing but harm your mental peace, to cope with it, write down your thoughts in a personal journal. Writing about our lives help reduce our stress level and can actually improve our overall health 

Writing about illness and traumatic events helps patients to finally deal with and accept what has happened, and that process reduces stress and sleeplessness. People need to have a place for personal voice. If you want to know more about yourself, you should have to make a habit of writing at least 8 minutes about whatever comes to mind.

Writing allows you to find answers to daunting problems within yourself rather than having to rely on answers from others. Through that you get a sense of empowerment. The more you write about things that comes to your mind, the more you'll know about yourself and your capabilities. 

Make your journal your friend, write down things in it, make lists, write your to-dos, plans, goals etc. All the beautiful things, positivities, ideas that pops up in your mind, don't let them go in vain, write all the small or big points about it in the journal.  

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