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Friday, 26 August 2016

Learn To Earn Respect - Choose Respect Over Money

If I start acting like a child with children and am rude to them, do you think they would respect me? I have a friend, he owns a lot of transport trucks but he was very bad with his sons. He used to beat them and abuse them and even pulled them out of school after the 6th grade. Even though my friend is very rich but you see he has failed with his children who have turned out to be very troubled and ill mannered. They smoke, do drugs and verbally abuse people and get into fights, the reason behind their bad behaviour is nobody but their own Dad, heartbreaking no? That's what I call The Fault In Our Parenting You don't get respect by demanding it like that. You have to earn it. And that's what my friend did wrong and now he used to wander, demanding respect for everyone, but don't get it at all.

What we have to do is to guide our children to the right paths and give them everything they want if its good and positive for them, believe me later it would give you back something positive as well in return, it's not about the money always, you see he had a lot of money but not the mental peace, spiritual peace is what is important the most in life for our mental health. 

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