These Are The Girls Favourite Things


Tuesday, 9 August 2016

How To Improve Facebook Likes - The Tips

Show The World Something New

Having a lot of friends in your friend list still you don't get the good satisfactory amount of likes on your statuses and pictures, know why? Because people attract towards unique stuff, the things that they have never seen before, they want to hear something that they haven't heard in the past. The more your pictures and statuses are idiosyncratic the more you'd get attention and response. Constantly putting the sui-generis stuff on your wall can boost your likes on Facebook. 

Appreciate Others When You See Their Good

When you're scrolling down your facebook page and something good appears on your wall don't just ignore it, if you've read or watched it till the end and it made you smile or you found that stuff knowledgeable and inspiring, leave your thoughts in the comment section, tell the publisher that you liked his\her stuff. In this way you'd upsurge your interaction with that particular person. 

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