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Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Grow Your Brain

Try New Stuff Daily

Want to become sharp minded and mentally healthy? Learn new things daily, play different games, don't stick to one purpose or thing for years in your life, it would not make new connections in your mind and you can't improve your brain to function differently and creatively, the more you do new things the more your brain grow. 

Dive In The Ocean Of Positivity

No matter what happens you just have to promise to yourself that in every hurdle or success you'll never choose to go towards anything that is harmful and negative for your brain and body, make yourself stronger and endure all the pains and ups-and-downs that are coming your way, just do it, punish yourself, avoid all the selfish enjoyments, it's a bit hard but not impossible. The Great Mohammad Ali used to carry a match box in his pocket and burn himself whenever he commit a sin or mistake, that are his rules he sets for himself, everyone knows how good he was and his boxing. Being positive all the time can literally boost your brain and give you enormous possibilities to win the world. 


Meditation is important, it refreshes our minds, it carry us on the right track, it kills all evil thoughts and maximize our concentration, you can focus more on the things and goals when you make a habit of meditating at least 10 minutes a day. Indeed Meditation A Complete Cure To The Soul

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