These Are The Girls Favourite Things


Sunday, 15 May 2016

Health Tips

Let Your Stress Out

To appear strong, we often try to hide our struggles. But keeping our problems locked within us only serves to isolate us from people who care about us and who want to help or comfort us. The less willing you are to share your problems with loved ones and friends the more those problems will have on your life and your health. 

Men who cope with stress by talking about their problems and frustrations and confiding in colleagues and friends rather than bottling things up have higher sperm counts than those who do not, according to research findings from a University of Missouri study. 

Pleasant Smells Boost Your Health

Our senses communicate to our brain whether we should be in a state of alarm or a state of calm. Even when we are in distress in our lives, soothing our senses helps to soothe our system. Surround yourself with pleasant smells when you feeling ill or stressed, and your system will be calmed. 

A study of women in labor by Oxford University found that aromatheraphy relaxed women and helped them feel in control of their pain. Over 80 percent of women rated the aromatheraphy effective in helping them through even the most painful moments of labor. 

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Make Yourself Healthy By These Tips
